The Old Way – Day 1

I saw a Netflix documentary /The Social Dilemma and decided to not use my social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Mails, Quora, Pinterest and whichever platform which tries to lure and recommend stuffs to me. In addition to this I have turned off all the notifications from all the apps and have kept the phone on silent and far from my reach. I am here to pen down my observations which I felt in last 24 hours. This log will be for 7 days and I will try to observe whatever I can.

My Head has become quite heavy and there’s a constant pain lingering in the back which starts from the forehead. May be because of the deficiency of dopamines that used to come after I watched certain videos or read some topics. My sense of having a sane thought has gone almost numb. Is it a numbness or a silence, still not able to differentiate.

Lack of concentration on stuffs like daily work and there’s not any enthusiasm followed to do it. I kind of find it strange because these were the things which really excited me in college and always wanted to know more about it. I thought I lost interest but can now see the cause of this problem.

I am able to listen to my breaths and the going traffic down the road which I didn’t earlier paid heed to. I will probably do some physical activity to get things aligned and lighten up my head. Just made a list on what i wanted to do from quite a time and will start working on it or this boredom will eat me.

7th Oct’20